From BBA Pumps' website: As a company, BBA Pumps has devoted itself to building mobile pumping equipment for a variety of applications. Offering a wide range of pumps, for a wide range of applications, we build diesel driven pumps on a day-to-day basis.
Over the years, we have designed, built and supplied a wide variety of pumps. Most of these have been completely standard, some of these however are completely custom built. Every now and then, a project emerges which poses great technical challenges and it gives us great pleasure to design and build a custom pump solution that meets all these challenges perfectly.
An example of such a project is the Elbe pump station renovation for which we designed and built two diesel driven BA-C600 pump units in sound-attenuating canopy. After supply and delivery, BBA's Nol van der Liende visited the jobsite in Brandenburg (Germany) and took these fantastic pictures, and that is not just our opinion either!
After publishing these pictures on our website they were entered in an online photo contest and subsequently awarded the title for "best pumping application photo 2011" by the online voters! We would like to thank everybody who voted on our pictures for their support and we sincerely appreciate the compliment!
Berlin Technologies: Selling BBA Pumps in Israel